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Transformation in the Land Between 2

Letters for The Time Between

Second Letter

Defeating the Cynic in Me

Dear Georges, you asked how to defeat growing cynicism. I’ll help as always. Here are ways that lead to victory.

Your soul is susceptible to cynicism. You fear present circumstances won’t change. People expect more and appreciate less. Husbands give up having wives pay attention to their emotional needs. Wives give up on not being taken for granted. I hear exasperated millions lamenting ever landing their dream job! Some stop praying to me from unmet expectations!

Do you remember what Marge Keeler told you? “I prayed for her good husband Frank to become my disciple for over 50 years!” It was glorious watching you baptize Frank for me just weeks before I received him eternally. Marge was no cynic. Hope always sprang eternal in her. Never forget her.

Fear is a friend of cynics. It’s never what I want. I never author fear. It entered the world with the Rebellion. With fear comes the feeling of expecting bad things to happen. Without warrant! From the moment I called you to follow me, I knew people would disappoint you. They won’t think you did enough for them. You’re not good enough. You don’t measure up! Your soul dries up on the creeping vine of fear.

There’s another vine, my beloved child. A vine where hope grows. I’m your only hope and stay. Climb on me. Expect only good from me. The hope I give is cynicism’s nemesis. Expect goodness. Dread will flee. When you feed fear with cynicism, hope will flee. Let me get practical, my friend. I practiced this way. Cynicism never came near. You can follow my example.

First, live curious. Be true to your name, “Curious George”. Curiosity never killed any cat. Foolishness? That’s another story! The night I called you to follow me at Willow Park Baptist, I gave you a generous portion of curiosity to save you from cynicism. Keep cultivating curiosity. It is life for you. Staying curious builds hope up while driving cynicism out. Dream with me about your life and ministry. Oh if you only knew what awaits you! Always be grateful for this grace of curiosity. Celebrate your discoveries. Share them freely. Pray to stay curious.

Second, live slow. I designed life to go in low gear. The speed the world is living now in this pandemic year. When it comes to life, fast and furious is of the devil. Hurry zaps your spiritual and emotional energies. End result: soul-depletion. The speed of hurry and empty are the same. I lived slow. Luke, who never knew me personally, captured this spirit of slow best among my biographers. He never saw my face but those who knew me best told him what I used to do. How often I scheduled time alone with my own thoughts, in my Father’s presence.

Third, love slow. Cynicism and love have nothing in common. What’s the right speed of love? Always slow! It takes time to learn to love this way. I was heading one day to heal Jairus’ daughter. The crowds were pressing in. The disciples were frantic to protect me. As if… A suffering woman of faith snuck up to touch my robe. A twelve-year old disease had debilitated her. Heaven and earth stood at attention because a woman hacked into my storeroom of love! Without permission Love bade her welcome as she drew near! Love slowed down that day. That moment became an eternity for her.

Love a few deeply. Love them well. Love them at the speed of slow: one at a time. All in, all there! Carpe Diem!

Last, Learn slow. Take your time learning. These few years on earth are a fleeting moment. It takes eternity to know me. Ponder in your heart what is beyond understanding now. My mother did! Learning can never be rushed. The head always get things first. Enjoy your learning just a Werther’s caramel candy should be enjoyed! Unrushed!

Get me slow. One miracle at a time. One parable at a time. One encounter at a time. One lesson at a time.

Slow learning is eternal learning. I AM is not fast-soul food friendly. Ten minutes a day! Slow and deep thinking. Your own private closet. You’ll reap a treasure of understanding me.

Signed: King Jesus!

Georges Boujakly