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It’s what’s we’re all wired to do: ask questions and seek answers. All of us are Curious Georges! We can’t help it.

Jesus knew this about us and encouraged us, both in prayer and in relationship to ask, seek, and knock. All are actions soliciting questions and discovering answers.

Apparently, we can’t help it but ask. We have an insatiable desire to know, about ourselves, about our world, our universe, our relationships and what’s beyond this life. Ever seen infants explore their belly buttons? Nuzzle their toes? Play hide and go seek? Answers are there. They await our inquiring minds.

Some of us are better, deeper questioners than others. From the beginning human beings struggled to find answers that satisfy the most profound quests. Maria sang in the Sound of Music: Climb every mountain, ford every stream, follow every rainbow, till you find your dream (answer).  

C.S. Lewis aced this searching dilemma: “If I find in myself desires which nothing in this world can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that I was made for another world.”

Here’s the 4 big league questions that minds greater than mine have asked and tried to answer.

What is real about life?

Who is well-off? What is the blessed or happy life?

Who is a genuinely good person?

How do I become a genuinely good person?

A mouthful of deep questions. Enough to chew on from entrance to exit of our earthly experience.

Every religion, philosophical system, every person must struggle with some version of these questions. These biggies have stood the test time. How we answer them depicts our worldview and how we live it out.

As a Christian, I think and believe (I know), Jesus gave the best answers. I will give each question its own answer in future write ups. For now, I’ll answer briefly a la Jesus.

·      What is real in life? God and His Kingdom. Jesus lived out his answer to this question. God was most real to him in experience, and the kingdom of God was the most real way he said God was acting in his life and around him.

·      Who is well-off or what is the blessed or happy life? Jesus answered, anyone alive in the kingdom of God. Life with God in his kingdom. I believe Jesus would support anyone who found a better way to live than the one he offers! But there isn’t any!

·      Who is a good person? Only Jesus taught that a good person is the one that is permeated by God’s kind of love.

·      How can I become a genuinely good person? Attach yourself in love to Jesus. Become his apprentice for life. Abide in him. Learn from him how to do your life as if he were doing it in your place. You have one life to live. No better way to live it than to live it for and with Christ and to die gaining everything.

I ‘ve asked and I’ve found answers to my quest in Jesus. It’s how I want to live. I invite you to choose this way of living too.

Georges Boujakly