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A Prayer of Joy


A Prayer of Joy 

Almighty and most merciful Father, your power, love, and joy eternally work together for the nurture and protection of your children. Give us today grace to put our trust in you. 

O Father…

We pray for faith to believe that you rule the world in truth, justice, and love.

Let our joy follow from our allegiance to your loving rule.

We pray for faith to believe that if we seek first your kingdom and righteousness, you will provide for our needs.

Let our joy increase as we seek heaven’s righteousness on earth.

We pray for faith not to be anxious about tomorrow but to believe that the love you have given us in the past will continue into the future.

Let the joy of the Lord spring forth from our experience of your love.

We pray for faith to see your loving purposes unfold in all that is happening in our time.

With joy we will see your loving will and kingdom for your world, your church and for ourselves.

We pray for faith to be calm and brave in the face of any dangers we may meet with while loving out our callings at work, home, and life.

May the joy of the Lord be our strength and build our courage.

We pray for faith to believe in the power of your love to melt our and our loved ones’ hard hearts and totally remove our sin.

Let joy settle in every heart and bring with it the knowledge of the cost of forgiveness.

We pray for faith to put our own trust in love rather than in force, when other people harden their hearts against us.

May joy always accompany our love and faith.

We pray for faith to believe in the ultimate victory of your Holy spirit over disease and death and all the powers of darkness.

Teach us the joy of these victories, O Lord.

We pray for faith to learn from any sufferings that you call us to endure.

May we see joy follow on the heels of endurance.

We pray for faith to leave in your hands the welfare of all our dear ones, especially ________, and _______.

Let joy reign in their hearts.

O Father, our ancestors were justified in their trust in you. All of them knew the joy of the Lord is their strength. Rid our hearts of pointless anxieties and paralyzing fears. Give us a cheerful and buoyant spirit, and peace in doing your will, for Christ’s name. Amen!

Georges Boujakly