Yours is the Power…
Jesus reminds us in the Disciple’s Prayer[PJ1] , power belongs to God. This is essential [PJ2] to know and live by. It’s the humble way to live. We affirm with Jesus: “God, all [PJ3] power is yours.” We affirm it whole-heatedly, knowing the one who created [PJ4] a physical universe like ours with limitless power! “He upholds the universe by the word of his power." (Hebrews 1:3)
Jesus’ words haunt us: “Without me you can do nothing” (John 15:5). Really? Yes! Without intentionally [PJ5] abiding in Christ, our power fades. The work we do would be inconsequential. It might be downright harmful. Having laid aside his divine prerogatives, Jesus depended on power from above to do what he did. Wherever he saw God’s power accessible to him (Luke 7:15) he jumped right in. Now he shares this truth with us. We can do God’s work with “yours is the power” on our lips and heart.
In Jesus’ religious milieu, God acting in power would be a surprising way of living and doing ministry. To access power for living with God, for ministry, for change, for growth, God must show up [PJ6] in power. Following the letter of the law is possible with human power. But living with a constant disposition for love demands God give me his divine power. God gives the power. We magnify him! [PJ7]
That’s the truth King David finally learned. He wanted to build an extravagant [PJ8] temple for God. God countered, “Solomon will build my temple”. Still, David did the preparation for it, in the 1 Chronicles 29 story. With the contributions of wood, the gold, the fabric, David was amazed at the generosity of the people. He tallied everything. Impressive numbers! It was enough and more to build a beautiful structure for God. David, rejoicing, still makes a point to lead the people in prayer. He focusses their attention on the divine source of power, not the means they have at their disposal.
“O LORD God of our father Israel, you deserve praise forevermore! O LORD, you are great, mighty, majestic, magnificent, glorious, and sovereign over all the sky and earth! You, LORD, have dominion and exalt yourself as the ruler of all. You are the source of wealth and honor; you rule over all. You possess strength and might to magnify and give strength to all. Now, our God, we give thanks to you and praise your majestic name!”
Concisely: “Yours is the power” (verses 13-14).
Jesus is building a new temple, the church and individuals where the Holy Spirit dwells. He’s building a new kingdom open to [PJ9] all peoples. He knew in the desert temptation the call to use only human power and means to accomplish God’s will. He overcame the temptation by total reliance on God’s power. Jesus knew it would be our temptation too. That’s why we have a constant reminder to affirm the truth: the power humans need is God’s. “Yours is all power”.
What is power? Power is the capacity to accomplish an end. You see it in physical energy. When you connect your drill to an electrical current, that power can drill a hole in steel. Watch the moon circle the earth, pulled by gravitational power. That power moves oceans. You see it when we use our bodies to lift hundreds of pounds more than we weigh. A weightlifter can lift nearly 600 pounds. You see power when humans avail themselves of God’s grace—his empowering activity in us. We avert our eyes from evil desires. We stop using our power [PJ10] over others to get our way. We are born from above. A new life pulsates in us, transforming our will. It all comes from above. “Yours is the power”.
Thomas Keating said: “Powerlessness is our greatest treasure. Don’t try to get rid of it. Everything in us wants to get rid of it. Grace is sufficient for you, but not something you can understand. To be in too big a hurry to get over our difficulties is a mistake because you don’t know how valuable they are from God’s perspective, for without them you might never be transformed as deeply and as thoroughly.”
Let it be said, our experience of 2020, shows we are powerless against an invisible bug we have no power to eradicate. In this too, we pray: “Yours is the power”.