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Teach Us to Pray 4

We Pray: Your Kingdom Come!

In America, we no longer talk kingdom. We drink more coffee than tea! Kingdom means monarchy. We left that behind a long time ago in the Atlantic. But the Bible is replete with language of kingdom as what is most real in life for us.

The Kingdom of God is not a thing of heaven only. It is the model for earth! On earth as it is in heaven. Praying for the marriage of Heaven to earth. Now and then. In the End, the Holy City, the New Jerusalem comes from heaven to earth. One day Jesus will fully integrate Up and Down.

Apparently, by means of the work of prayer in friendship with God.

The prophets dreamed of God reigning on earth in love. Israel learned to trust God for his promises. Time and again, the prophets speak of the day of his coming. Every mountain and valley flattened out! Nothing to obscure his ever-arriving glory. The vision becomes reality in the prayer Jesus prayed. We pray. The salvation of our God is near (Isaiah 57:7-10).

When heaven touched earth, Exodus happened! Exit! Evil drowned. Goodness entered. Slavery no more. Freedom reigned. Praying and working for this Kingdom, gives meaning, joy and peace in the Holy Spirit. It’s larger than life.

Your Kingdom come was the work of Jesus in prayer. It’s an open invitation to all disciples! You will be light and salt. A Kingdom without swords, Peter! In or Out?

There is no church militant. Unless it is the militancy of imitation of Jesus. Jesus, please demonstrate Kingdom work!

1st  demonstration: Release for the people of God. Unleashing them to love God, neighbor as self. Welcoming every prodigal returning from exile. A new Exodus for the groaning cosmos. Sin-bound-people finding relief and healing. Hate loses. Love wins! Lightly burdened by the easy yoke of love and grace to Christ in exchange for the millstone of legalism and righteous smugness. Jubilee! All is well. The first are last and the last first.

2nd demonstration: Evil’s long reign by the chain of pain crumbles under the weight of His life, cross and resurrection, presence. Gone forever are Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome. Come out, you nations. The King of glory laughs! Who is the King of glory? The Lord Almighty. One faith, one baptism, one Lord over all and in all. On a scale they are found wanting, weighing in at less than a vapor (Psalm 62:9). As for me, I’m staying near the cross.

3rd demonstration: The King is coming, ever nearer for his people! I have heard the trumpet sounding and now his face I see. Jesus, God coming to rescue, shepherding and reigning in love over the cosmos and everything in it. He rides a humble donkey into our hearts 

It’s a win: Jesus 1 the devil 0. Easter happened! The King and his Kingdom are at hand.

Georges Boujakly