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Teach Us to Pray 3

Hallowed Be Your Name

In the Lord’s prayer Jesus teaches his disciples to impersonate him by praying honor (hallowed means honored) be given to God on earth. Whatever did he mean? Our Father in heaven, may everyone on earth honor your name. Not just say the words but also do what Jesus did to honor his Father and ours.

The church is a band of disciples in the midst of the broken world praying that every home, business, institution and individual honor God for all the names he has, for who he is. The whole mission of the church is capsuled  in these words: Our Father, … hallowed be …

Jesus teaches us to direct this prayer to God. Speak to him about his name. Ask the Father, always near us, to make real what we ask him.

We all long for the day when the church’s prayer would come true as Jesus’ longing came through: Father glorify your name in the earth (John 12L28). Glory and honor are two sides of the same biblical coin.

Jesus is awakening a deep desire in the church worldwide and in each of us. A cry that God’s name, names really, become prevalent on earth. Names like: Elohim (Strong Creator), El-Shaddai (God Almighty), Adonai (Lord, Master), Jehovah-Jireh (The Lord Will Provide), El-Roi (The God Who Sees).

Why so many aliases? The word God is a generic word. The aliases make the generic specific. When we worship God we have an array of relationships to focus on. In times of trouble, we pray that the church and the world may call on the One who sees us. In need? One who provides! There are no limits to his names because there are no limits to human experience. His vastness and our dependence know no bounds. What a deal! What a match! We were made for God. Each aspect of the naming of God reveals something of the way he is and the way we are.

Hallowed is a way to say “Father you are holy, glorious. May the whole earth resound with your praises. May you always find praises rising from creation to inhabit. May the whole world be free of injustice. May sin no longer scar the people of earth. May death and its many fears yield to victory, then be no more. May the church anticipate your coming and participate in your kingdom’s work.”

To ask God’s name be made holy or honored or glorious is to request his love to overflow in us. Our darkness will flee. For honor’s sake pain is bearable, the cross is victory, joy supreme.

“Father, make your name famous with instant recognition the world over.” Our mission: To go into the whole world to proclaim, baptize, make apprentices of Jesus, teach them the Master’s Plan of being, living, sending and honoring the Name. Failure is not an option: God sees to it. “Our Father… hallowed be your name ,”is the deep wish of the church’s return to its original love: Jesus and the Gospel of his kingdom. The church becoming the Gospel.

Georges Boujakly